The mental skills included in the books of the first and second intermediate grades in the light of the Marzano model


  • رسول رشيد احمد
  • أ.د. غالب خزعل محمد


المهارات العقلية، تحليل المحتوى



The current research aims to identify the inclusion of mental skills in the content of the books of the first and second intermediate grades within the Marzano model in the Republic of Iraq for the academic year 2021 (2022 AD) by answering the research question: 

- What are the percentages of including mental skills in the content of my mathematics books for grade (first، second) intermediate in the light of Marzano's model ?

 It is by:      

1-What is the percentage of including mental skills in the mathematics book for the first intermediate grade?

2-What is the percentage of including mental skills in the mathematics book for the second intermediate grade?

The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical approach, in order to suit the goal of the research, as the current research sample consisted of the scientific material in the two mathematics books prescribed for the (first, second) intermediate grades. The researcher made a preliminary list of (main and sub mental skills) after reviewing the literature and studies that dealt with analyzing the content of school books according to mental skill

Then this list was presented in its initial form to a number of arbitrators with expertise and competence, where the list obtained agreement on more than (93%) of the arbitrators' opinions.

And the content of my mathematics books for grades (first, second) average was analyzed according to the main and sub mental skills. A sample of the analysis sample was presented to a number of arbitrators with expertise and competence and they agreed on the validity of the analysis process, and the confirmation of the stability of the analysis process came in two ways: the first is the researcher with himself and the second is the researcher with another analyst after a specified period of time (four weeks) and I got The percentage of agreement ranged between (89% - 91%), as the data were processed and the reliability rates were used using the Holsti equation.

The following results were obtained:

The mathematics book for the second intermediate grade obtained the highest repetitions of mental skills, as it obtained(785) recurrences and with a percentage of (100%)

While the mathematics book for the first intermediate grade ranked last with (725) recurrences and a percentage (100%) of the mental skills contained in the two books.

As for the main skills:

Where the category of organization skills ranked first in the two analytical books after it got (778) recurrences and at a rate of (34.5%)

It is followed by the category of analysis skills in the second place, after it obtained (359) recurrences and a rate of (16%)).

Then came the rest of the categories in varying proportions.

As for the sub-skills The skill of ranking ranked first for the analyzed writers on (404) recurrences and at a rate of (18%).

The acting skill came second after it collected (207) recurrences, with a rate of (9.2%(.

The other sub-skills came in varying degrees of interest among the three books, while the skills of formulating questions and the skill of identifying main ideas were neglected

In light of this, the researcher recommended the need for balance in the percentages of including mental skills in the two mathematics books targeted for analysis, and came up with a number of recommendations and suggestions.



How to Cite

رشيد احمد ر. ., & خزعل محمد أ. غ. . (2022). The mental skills included in the books of the first and second intermediate grades in the light of the Marzano model. مجلة أبحاث الذكاء, 16(33), 312–329. Retrieved from


