The Suggested Teaching Strategy in the light of (REAP) Strategy and Its Effect In Geometric Thinking among third Intermediate stage


  • الباحث مصطفى رعد عبد الرسول السعدي جامعة بغداد / كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة – ابن الهيثم / قسم العلوم التربوية والنفسية
  • أ.م.د انعام ابراهيم عبد الرزاق جامعة بغداد / كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة – ابن الهيثم / قسم العلوم التربوية والنفسية



         The current study aims to find out the effect of a suggested  strategy  in the light of REAP strategy in geometry  thinking  among  the third- intermediate stage students.  In order achieve the aims of the  research ,  the following null hypotheses have been tested :

" There is no statistical differences  at the level (0.05)  between the average  of  the experimental group students who has been studied according to the  suggested  strategy in the light of  REAP strategy and average of  the control group students who has been studied  with the traditional method  in the test of  geometry thinking" .

 The researcher  has  depended  on experimental plan of two equivalent groups  of post-test . the experience has been applied  on a sample  of (57) student in the third –stage, with is divided in to (31) students for the  experimental group and (26) students for the control group for the academic year 2017-2018 . these two group have been equivalent  in the :

 (previous geometry information, chronological age, the previous mathematics achievement , intelligence and educational  parents's level) . one tool have been  used the geometric thinking test and appeared  Validity and  Reliability . The experimental  group has been  studied  by the  suggested  strategy  consisting of  six  sequential steps and the control group  has been studied the traditional method. After ending the application of  the experience, the tool of the research  have been applied  on both groups .

When using independent samples T-test, the results appeared the superiority of the experimental group students that studied according to the suggested strategy on the control group those students studied according to the traditional method in the Geometric thinking.

      In the light of  the results , the researcher has  concluded  that the teaching  of  geometric subjects  by the suggested strategy  in the light of the  REAP strategy , contributed in increasing the level of geometric thinking of the experimental group students .

Finally, some conclusions, re



How to Cite

السعدي ا. م. ر. ع. ا., & عبد الرزاق أ. . ا. ا. (2020). The Suggested Teaching Strategy in the light of (REAP) Strategy and Its Effect In Geometric Thinking among third Intermediate stage. مجلة أبحاث الذكاء, 14(29), 121–144.


