The effect of the Cosgrove model on inductive thinking among students Fifth grade of primary school


  • الباحث. محمد محمود وهيب
  • أ . د . رياض فاخر الشرع كلية التربية الاساسية –الجامعة المستنصرية


Key word: Cosgrove model and inductive reasoning .



      This study aimed to find out (the effect of the Cosgrove model on inductive thinking among fifth grade students).

         The research sample is consisted of (57) students from the fifth grade of primary school, for the second semester of the academic year (2022-2023 AD), Al-Faw Elementary School affiliated to the General Directorate of Education Diyala.

  • The he sample was intentionally chosen, and by random selection, Division (B) was chosen to be the experimental group that studied according to the Cosgrove model with (29) students, and Division (A) to be the control group that studied according to the usual method by (28) pupils, and the two groups were equlized in the variables (intelligence, chronological age, previous information in mathematics, previous achievement in mathematics, and the educational level of the parents).

           The research tool was prepared, which is: an inductive reasoning test consisting of (20) objective items (multiple choice), and it was presented to a group of arbitrators in mathematics and its teaching methods to ensure its validity, and using the Kweder-Richardson equation (KR - 20), the value of the stability coefficient was (0.80). After completing the experiment, the inductive thinking test was applied to the two research groups, and after collecting data and using appropriate statistical methods, the results showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the experimental and control groups in the inductive thinking test, in favor of the experimental group.

         In the light of the research results, I recommend teaching mathematical concepts in primary schools using the Cosgrove model and for all school stages because it raises their level of inductive thinking, as well as holding training courses for male and female teachers of mathematics and in-service on applying the Cosgrove model and how to employ it in teaching mathematics, and conducting a study similar to the current study with other dependent variables not covered by the current study such as creative thinking, generative thinking, critical thinking, motivation to learn, attitude towards mathematics, and the ability to solve problems, etc.




How to Cite

الباحث. محمد محمود وهيب, & أ . د . رياض فاخر الشرع. (2024). The effect of the Cosgrove model on inductive thinking among students Fifth grade of primary school. مجلة أبحاث الذكاء, 17(36), 148–166. Retrieved from