intelligence and its relationship to professional performance among kindergarten teachers


  • م.م. زاهية عبد الستار عبد الجبار مديرية تربية بغداد الرصافة 1/ قسم الاشراف التربوي


Key words (emotional intelligence - professional performance - kindergarten teachers.



    The objective of the current research is to identify the level of emotional intelligence among kindergarten teachers and the level of their professional performance, and to identify the relationship between emotional intelligence and the level of professional performance of teachers. Emotional intelligence. The scale consists of (50) items and alternatives are placed in front of each item (always applies to me - applies to me a lot - applies to me sometimes - applies to me a little - does not apply to me)

And the construction of the professional performance scale. The scale consists of (65) items and the same previous alternatives. The psychometric properties of the two scales (honesty and stability) were verified. The research concluded that the average degrees of emotional intelligence for female teachers are higher than the hypothetical average, and the average degrees of professional performance for female teachers are higher than the hypothetical average, meaning that female teachers have a level Of good professional performance and it was found that there is a positive significant relationship between the variables of emotional intelligence and the professional performance of kindergarten teachers.



How to Cite

عبد الستار عبد الجبار م. ز. . (2023). intelligence and its relationship to professional performance among kindergarten teachers. مجلة أبحاث الذكاء, 16(34), 639–665. Retrieved from