The effect of Keeler's strategy on developing the skill performance of students of the Department of Family Education and Technical Professions in Planning Subject


  • نور كريم ناصر علي
  • أ.د حسين محمد علي الساقي الجامعة المستنصرية – كلية التربية الاساسية
  • أ.د محمد هادي ارحيم الحيالي الجامعة المستنصرية/ كلية التربية الأساسية



    The research aimed to identify the effect of Keeler's strategy in developing the skill performance of students of the Department of Family Education and Technical Professions in the planning subject.

        The current research is limited to the students of the Department of Family Education and Artistic Professions for the academic year 2020/2021. The research community consisted of (220) male and female students, and the sample of the research amounted to (24) male and female students who study planning in the second morning class, whom the researchers applied their experience to, and the experimental method was used. For the control and experimental groups, using the skill test of the planning material, a tool for research after verifying the validity and reliability of the tool, and the data were treated statistically using (one-sample t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient, Facronbach equation, t-test for two independent samples)Key word : Keeler's strategy

skill performance .




How to Cite

كريم ناصر علي ن. . . . . . . ., محمد علي الساقي أ. ح. ., & هادي ارحيم الحيالي أ. . . م. . (2023). The effect of Keeler’s strategy on developing the skill performance of students of the Department of Family Education and Technical Professions in Planning Subject. مجلة أبحاث الذكاء, 16(34), 142–155. Retrieved from