Impact of Mind Mapping Strategy on Achievement and Reflective Thinking For fourth grade students in literature and texts


  • أ.م.د. سعد سوادي تعبان كلية التربية الاساسية - الجامعة المستنصرية


     The aim of this research is to: Learn the effect of the strategy of mind maps in the collection and reflection of the fourth grade students in literature and texts.  - There is no statistically significant difference at a significant level (0.05) Between the average scores of students in the experimental group studying the Mind Mapping Strategy and the average score of the control group that is normally taught in the investigational exam.

- There is no statistically significant difference at a significant level (0.05) Between the average scores of experimental group students studying with the Mind Mapping Strategy and the average grade of the control group that is typically taught in the reflective thinking exam.

The researcher selected the sub-experimental partial-control design (experimental group and control group) with the remote test. The research sample was selected from the first grade students (preparatory to the revolution of Al-Hussein) in Baghdad governorate, affiliated to the General Directorate of Education of Baghdad, the third grade, reaching 71 students, and the random selection was made for Division B, which consists of 35 students, to represent the experimental group, and Division A, composed of 36 students, to represent the control group. Both research groups were rewarded at Metagiri (Raven test for intelligence, testing reflective thinking)

The researcher prepared an academic test for literature and a text, which consisted of (40) a multiple choice paragraph and prepared a test for reflective thinking based on public attitudes in daily life and has nothing to do with the content of literature and texts. The test consisted of (30) objective paragraph and the cynicism of the two tests were calculated.

The data was analyzed and statistically treated with the adoption (T-test equivalent) of two independent samples, the equation for Kyudr Richardson-20, the Pearson Link Labs, the normative deviation, the difficulty factors, and the discriminatory force of the paragraph; And the effectiveness of alternatives to substantive paragraphs.

In the light of the results statistically addressed, the results indicated that there was an impact of the strategy of mind maps in collection and reflective thinking of the first grade students in favor of the experimental group, and a number of recommendations and proposals were developed



How to Cite

تعبان أ. س. س. (2021). Impact of Mind Mapping Strategy on Achievement and Reflective Thinking For fourth grade students in literature and texts. مجلة أبحاث الذكاء, 14(30), 306–334. Retrieved from


