The development of imagination (spontaneous and controlled) in adolescents and adults


  • أ.م. د. وليـــد قحطـــــان محمــــــــود كلية التربية/ الجامعة العراقية


Keywords: development, imagination (spontaneous and controlled), adolescents, and adults.



The current research aims at identifying:  Imagination of its two types (spontaneous and controlled) among adolescents and adults according to the variables of age (16,18,20,22) years, and gender (males and females).

 The significance of the differences will be discussed in both types of imagination according to the variables of age and gender.

To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher relies on the two-factor of Imagination scale (TFIS), which is based on the ideas of Edward Casey (1976) developed by Thompson (2008). Which consists of (22) paragraphs, half of which measure automatic imagination and the other measure controlled imagination. The researcher translated the scale into Arabic, verified the validity of its translation, and all its standard characteristics after applying it to the research sample of (320) male and female students, middle and university students, equally between males and females. The data obtained from the sample was statistically processed and the following results were obtained:

1.The two types of imagination were developed as we get older and in favor of the older age.

2.There are no statistical significant differences between males and females in the two types of imagination at all ages of the research.

3.There is no interaction between age and gender in the two types of imagination in all ages of the research.

The researcher came out with a set of conclusions, recommendations and suggestions.



How to Cite

قحطـــــان محمــــــــود أ. د. . و. . (2023). The development of imagination (spontaneous and controlled) in adolescents and adults. مجلة أبحاث الذكاء, 16(34), 224–249. Retrieved from