Hope – based Thinking among Students of the department of psychological counseling and educational guidance


  • هـــيام جمـهـور جاسم الخفاجي
  • أ . م . د عـلاء عـــبد الحـــسن حبــيب العبودي


key words :Hope-Based Thinking, Students Departments of psychological counseling and educational guidance.


Abstract :

The current research aims to  identify:

  1. Hope-based thinking among students of psychological counseling and educational guidance departments.
  2. Recognition The differences in thinking based on hope according to the variables of sex (male - female), and the educational stage (first - fourth).

In order to achieve the objectives of the current research, the researcher that :Choosing the research community from the students of the psychological counseling and educational guidance departments in the Iraqi universities three Universities and five colleges And the for both sexes, done Building a Hope-Based Thinking Scale After extracting the psychometric properties of validity and reliability, the final formula for the scale was obtained and applied to the research sample and after processing the data statistically Social Statistical Bag Program(Spss) for science The results were as follows:

  1. The students of psychological counseling and educational guidance departments have a good degree of hope-based thinking.
  2. There is no statistically significant difference (for gender and stage) and the interaction between (sex and stage).



How to Cite

جمـهـور جاسم الخفاجي ه. . . . . . . . . . . . ., & عـــبد الحـــسن حبــيب العبودي أ. . م. . د. . ع. . (2023). Hope – based Thinking among Students of the department of psychological counseling and educational guidance. مجلة أبحاث الذكاء, 16(34), 183–200. Retrieved from https://iru.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/intel/article/view/426