The Effect of the Barman Model on Acquiring physical concepts and inferential thinking for Second-grade intermediate students


  • م.د. حكمت غازي محمد وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي- جهاز الاشراف والتقويم العلمي


barman model, physical concepts, Inferential thinking



      The current study aimed to identify (the effect of the Barman model on acquiring physical concepts and inferential thinking for second-grade intermediate students). The research sample included (84) students from the second intermediate grade, (42) students in the control group, and (42) students in the experimental group. The two research groups were equalized with the variables: (chronological age calculated in months, intelligence, previous information, and inferential thinking). The two research groups were equalized with the variables: (chronological age calculated in months, intelligence, previous information, and inferential thinking). The researcher formulated (121) behavioral objectives within the levels (remember, comprehension, application) according to Bloom's classification of the cognitive domain. The researcher prepared a physical concepts acquisition test consisting of (39) multiple-choice objective items, and the researcher adopted a deductive reasoning test consisting of (36) multiple-choice objective items.

The psychometric properties of the two tests were confirmed after statistically processing the data using the (t-test) equation for two independent equal samples and the Couder-Richardson equation 20 to find the stability of the physical concepts acquisition test and the Cronbach's alpha equation to find the stability of the inferential thinking test because they contain objective items, the researcher put the two null hypotheses and after showing the results, that there is a statistically significant difference between the two groups and in favor of the experimental group in two variables: acquiring physical concepts and testing inferential thinking. Because of its useful advantages, and its use for different stages of study.



How to Cite

غازي محمد م. ح. . (2022). The Effect of the Barman Model on Acquiring physical concepts and inferential thinking for Second-grade intermediate students. مجلة أبحاث الذكاء, 15(32), 557–581. Retrieved from


