The impact of Round Robin Strategy on the High- ranking thinking of the fourth year middle school students in chemistry


  • الباحثة: نسرين نعمت غلام علي
  • أ.م. سماء ابراهيم عبد الله


the Round Robin strategy-high order thinking



The research aims to identify the effect of Round Robin strategy on the high-ranking thinking of the fourth year middle school students in chemistry.

To achieve the aim of the research, the following null hypothesis was developed:

- There is no statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) between the average scores of the experimental group students who studied according to the  Round Robin  strategy and the average scores of the control group students who studied according to the usual method in the high-ranking thinking test.

The researcher adopted the experimental design with partial control for the two equal experimental and control groups with the post-test, to suit the nature of the research.

The community is represented by all the students of the fourth year of middle school in the secondary and middle schools affiliated to the Baghdad Education Directorate / Rusafa First for the academic year (2020-2021) and (Aden High School for Girls) was chosen to represent its students in the research sample, whose number of students is (210) students divided into (10) classes as a result of the circumstances The research sample consisted of (36) female students who were randomly selected into two groups, one of them was experimental (A) which included (18) students who studied chemistry using the Round Robin strategy, and the other control group (B) consisted of (18) female students who studied the same subject in the usual way.

Before starting the experiment, the researcher was keen to ensure that the students of the two research groups were statistically equal in a number of variables that are believed to affect the integrity of the experiment, and these variables are: (last year’s achievement for the third intermediate grade, “Raven” intelligence test, previous information test, high thinking test Rank) and the researcher determined the educational material to be taught, which included the first, second and fifth chapters of the chemistry book to be taught for the academic year (2020-2021) in the Republic of Iraq.

The researcher adopted a high-ranking thinking test, and the test may be in its final form (30) paragraphs. The research tool was applied to the two research groups (control and experimental) after the end of the experiment, which lasted from 11/29/2021 until 17/2/2021. After collecting the results, the data were processed using the appropriate statistical methods, and the following results appeared: The students of the experimental group who studied according to the  Round Robin strategy outperformed the students of the control group who studied according to the usual method in each of the high-ranking thinking test with a large effect size, and in light of this, the researcher  recommended a number of recommendations, including:

1.Training teachers of chemistry on how to use modern models, methods and strategies in teaching, especially those based on the principles of constructivist theory and moving away from the traditional method of teaching.

 2- Paying attention to activities that help develop high-ranking thinking skills among female students.



How to Cite

نعمت غلام علي ا. ن. ., & ابراهيم عبد الله أ. س. . . (2022). The impact of Round Robin Strategy on the High- ranking thinking of the fourth year middle school students in chemistry. مجلة أبحاث الذكاء, 15(32), 373–388. Retrieved from


