Sensitivity of the Problems and its Relationship to Cognitive Dispersal among University Students


  • ا.م.د. أمجد كاظم فارس كلية الامام الكاظم (عليه السلام)


sensitivity of the problems, cognitive dispersal, and Creative thinking .



     The current paper aimed at identify the sensitivity of the problems, cognitive dispersion among university students, and the significance of differences in sensitivity according to gender (male-female), and to identify the correlation between the sensitivity of the problems and cognitive dispersion, and to achieve the objectives of the research, which required building two tools to the variables of the  research , the sensitivity of the problems, which consists of (20) items, and cognitive dispersion, which consists of (25) items, and the validity and reliability of the two tools were verified, Then the two tools were applied to a sample of (400) male and female students, and the results were Submitted as follows:

1- The research sample of the study is not sensitive to problems.

2-There are no statistically significant differences in the sensitivity of problems according to gender (males - females. (

3-The sample of the research has cognitive dispersion.

4-There are no statistically significant differences in cognitive dispersal according to gender (males - females (.

5-There is a negative correlation between the sensitivity of the problems and cognitive dispersal.

The study came out with a number of results found in conclusion, recommendations and suggestions.



How to Cite

كاظم فارس ا. أ. . (2022). Sensitivity of the Problems and its Relationship to Cognitive Dispersal among University Students. مجلة أبحاث الذكاء, 15(32), 161–182. Retrieved from


