Emotional intelligence and its relationship to the degree of professional difficulty


  • نشعة كريم عذاب كلية التربية الاساسية - الجامعة المستنصرية


The individual who enters into the professional field faces many difficulties, some of which are able to overcome and overcome them and reach the highest levels of success and strength, and some of them are unable to affect him negatively and clearly in the course of his scientific life and his personal life and the difficulties differ according to the type of profession that he It is practiced by the individual, the degree of difficulty of the profession may be related to the emotional intelligence of the individual through his ability to control the regulation of emotions and feelings and direct them to achieve achievement and excellence and the ability to positively influence others through awareness and understanding of their feelings, and the individual knows when to lead others and when follow them and when to support them and how to behave with them in an appropriate manner.

The current research aimed to identify

1- Emotional intelligence of general practitioners, civil engineers, educational supervisors, teachers and educational counselors.

2- The degree of difficulty of the profession for general practitioners, civil engineers, educational supervisors, teachers and educational counselors.

3- The direction and strength of the relationship between emotional intelligence and the degree of difficulty of the profession.

4- Significance of the difference in the relationship between emotional intelligence and the degree of difficulty of the profession in light of the gender variable. The current research was determined by general practitioners in government hospitals, civil engineers, employees in government departments, educational supervisors in the General Directorate of Education, teachers in elementary schools, and educational counselors in schools affiliated to Rusafa side in Baghdad city. (200) individuals, and the researcher adopted the emotional intelligence scale of Othman and Rizk prepared by (Al-Balawi 2004) consisting of (58) items distributed into five domains, and the researcher built a scale of the degree of difficulty of the profession consisting of (58) itemsThe validity of the two scales was verified by presenting them to the arbitrators, and the indicators of construct validity, and the stability of the two scales was confirmed by re-testing, as the stability of the emotional intelligence scale reached (0.89) and the stability of the degree of difficulty of the profession (0.88). In analyzing the data, the appropriate statistical means, using the statistical package (spss), and the research reached the following results:

  1. There is no relationship between emotional intelligence and the degree of difficulty of the profession in general.
  2. There are no statistically significant differences between males and females in the relationship between emotional intelligence and the degree of difficulty in the profession.

The research ended with a set of recommendations and suggestions



How to Cite

عذاب ن. ك. (2021). Emotional intelligence and its relationship to the degree of professional difficulty. مجلة أبحاث الذكاء, 14(30), 24–48. Retrieved from https://iru.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/intel/article/view/278


