Building a scale of Over excitabilities to diagnose gifted children in kindergarten


  • أ.د سعدي جاسم عطيه الجامعة المستنصرية – كلية التربية الاساسية
  • م. سهام موهي وريوش الجامعة المستنصرية – كلية التربية الاساسية



Over excitabilities, the gifted, kindergarten


The current research aimed to build a scale of over excitabilities to diagnose gifted children in kindergarten. The sample of the research was (300) children from the general directorates of Baghdad, Al-Rusafa / 321 and Al-Karkh / 321.the two researchers used the analytic descriptive method to verify the aim of the research. The two researchers built a scale of over excitability to the Gifted for Kindergarten Children According to the (Dabrawski’s & Piechowski,1977 Theory),and were formulated as find from of the scale of The definition of Over excitabilities  (75) items and it was (15) items for each of the five components of Over excitabilities  and that Over excitabilities consists of  five components are (Psychomotor  Over excitabilities) (Over excitabilities  Sensual), (Imagination Over excitabilities) (Over excitabilities  Intellectual): (Over excitabilities  Emotional) The two researchers put  alternatives  for each item, which is "always applies to him = 3, sometimes applies to him=2, rarely applies to him= 1". The psychometric characteristics  (validity and reliability) validity  was verified by face validity  and indicators of  construct, which are item  discrimination, their difficulty, the relationship between the score of the item with the score of component which belongs to   the total degree of the component to which it belongs, and cakute the relationship the score of the item   calculation of the relationship of the degree of between the components with the overall degree of the scale  we verified by Alfa forenula which was . In the half-way and half-corrective method of 0, 88 and split- half method and correct it by   Spearman-Brown focemle equation, it reached (0,88).and at the standard error of the scale, which was  (4,47). The researchers used the SPSS statistical bag to achieve the research aims the mean time of answer (12) minutes the higher score the child gets. (225)   the lowest score (75) the two researchers reached to a set of recommendations and suggestions



How to Cite

عطيه أ. س. ج., & وريوش م. س. م. (2020). Building a scale of Over excitabilities to diagnose gifted children in kindergarten. مجلة أبحاث الذكاء, 14(29), 1–31.


